Marohu Tahnotli

A Turali man that blends tradition, education, and magic into all aspects of his life. Marohu led a life full of promise until a betrayal left him as a thrall for years. Broken memories litter his timeline as he struggles to piece together everything he has done. Free after all these years, the Hhetsarro man seeks to rebuild his life, but the shadow of his former master ever looms behind him.

Character info & Likes/Dislikes

Character Info

NameMarohu Tahnotli
Battle SkillsRed Magic, Blue Magic, and Tribal Archer/Bard.
Work SkillsResearch, exploration, battle tactics, orator
VirtuesGenuinely does care about others, willing to bend the rules for the greater good, trustworthy.
FaultsDistrustful, Sometimes lost in his own thoughts. Doesn't always express feelings.


Shirtless Men (He will not admit it)-Strange Aether
Intellectual Conversation-Relics
Natural Vistas-People who challenge him
Occasional Dominant Displays-Playful teasing
Hunting and Gathering-Fellow Tribal Peoples

Spells and Abilities

Spells / AbilitiesHow They Work
Aether SmellInstead of the aethersight most mages possess. Marohu can smell different variations in aether.
Thunderbird ThunderA blue magic spell where Marohu gathers thunderclouds over an enemy and lets out an eagle -like cry before they release lightning bolts onto his enemies.
Shadow LoomMarohu melts into his own shadow to travel in secret. Can be countered.
NortherliesIf grappled the seeker will willingly use ice breath on his opponent to get them to back off.
Ver spellsMarohu is capable of casting all red mage spells include those that have him use his rapier to carve aetheric symbols into ambient aether.
Crimson RapierWhen Marohu's rapier glows crimson it becomes magically enhanced for physical attacks.
Tribal BardUsing the Whistles and clicks in huntspeak, W'rehn can direct arrows he shoots from his bow.

Personal History & OOC Info


Born in Tural, Marohu had a natural gift for magic from a young age that was enhanced by his ability to smell aether. His talents drew the attention of Forum member Gravoux Greafane. Greafane decided to take him on a pupil. Marohu's family allowed him to leave home to study in Old Sharlayan.There he took on the Eorzean name W'rehn. He received an excellent education in the Studium and became an aetherical researcher and then a gleaner.At some point he found a rare artifact for Ser Grefane and this changed his life. From this point on, Marohu doesn't know what memories of his are real or not. He is only sure that his mind has been altered by his former master.Marohu is struggling now to remain out of his master's clutches, discover his true memories, and find himself once again. Maybe you can help?


Hello and thank you for visiting my Carrd. I am an RPer looking for other adults 21 and over to play with. I am in my 30s and happily married. This is just something I do for fun. I am open to most RP from family friendly to mature.Discord: spectralsoliliquy